1. Insured Person’s Details
PROPOSED INSURED’S DETAILS (to be completed by ALL Proposed Insureds)
2. Policy Details
(the total sum payable under the insurance in respect of any one claim in respect of any one person insured shall not exceed
in all the largest sum insured under any one of the items contained in the scale of benefits)
3. Other Insurances
PROPOSED INSURED’S DETAILS (to be completed by ALL Proposed Insureds)
4. Insured’s Activities
PROPOSED INSURED’S DETAILS (to be completed by ALL Proposed Insureds)
5. Personal Medical History
I/we declare that I/we have made a fair presentation of the risk, by disclosing all material matters which I/we
know or ought to know or, failing that, by giving the Insurer sufficient information to put a prudent insurer on
notice that it needs to make further enquiries in order to reveal material circumstances.
A copy of this proposal form should be retained for your own records.